
Q: What happens after I contact Career Advantage Consulting?

You will receive an email of confirmation on the free 30-minute consult, after the consultation we will ask for your most recent resume, and potential jobs you are interested in.

Q: What's the turnaround time?

After the consult, allow 7-10 business days (Monday -Friday) to complete your package.

Q: Can I request changes when I get my new resume?

Yes, absolutely. You will be given an allotted time frame to request changes to your new resume. One change request opportunity is included with each package.

Resume Writing

Q: How can you help me switch to a new career if I don’t have experience?

Switching careers will take time and consistency. However, we will leverage your transferable skills and any education or certifications you’ve acquired and remove any irrelevant information to ensure only your best qualities are highlighted. You may have a lot more in-demand skills than you're aware of!

Q: What option do I choose if I want a second resume? 

All packages include at least 2 unique alternative resumes tailored to the potential jobs you're interested in. These resumes highlight distinct skill sets and experiences relevant to different roles and are designed with varying formats to cater to the specific aesthetic preferences of various industries. The package also includes guidance on customizing these resumes for specific job applications. This comprehensive toolset boosts your job application process, offering versatility and personalization in your approach.

Q: How are the revisions done? Does it cost extra?

All packages include one revision at no cost to you.

Q: Is there anything that needs to be done differently to appeal to remote opportunities? 

When you complete the contact form, please indicate that you are looking for remote work, and we will add language to appeal to remote work opportunities.

Q: How can you make my resume attractive with a career gap? 

While it depends on the nature of your career gap, we will focus on highlighting your transferable skills and briefly describe the reasoning behind your career gap, without telling the recruiter/hiring manager too much of what they don't need to know.

Q: Do you do federal resumes?

Yes, we do. We offer comprehensive resume writing services specialized for federal job applications. We craft federal resumes that meet the specific requirements and formats required by federal government agencies.

Q: Do I need to know what I’m going to do next, or can you make it general?

We would prefer that you have a sense of what your next career move is so that we can be specific on your resume. General resumes typically will not get you the traction that you are looking for. We suggest researching job boards to see what sounds appealing.

Q: Do I send you my job descriptions?

Yes, after you complete the contact form we will gather additional information when we reach out to you. 

Q: Will I have to edit my resume for every job?

If you are applying for the same industry, you will not. If you plan to apply for multiple industries, you will need to update your resume according to the skills they are asking for. 

Cover Letter Writing

Q: Is a cover letter still needed?

 Yes, while they aren’t as popular as they used to be, some traditional hiring managers read them, and it can determine whether you get the offer. It’s better to have it than to not have it.

Q: Can the cover letter be used for more than one job? 

Yes! Our cover letters focus on your strengths and transferable skills. 

LinkedIn Review & Update

Q: How does the Personalized LinkedIn Guide process work? Is it necessary to have a LinkedIn profile?

After we've finished working on your resume, we’ll provide you with a document outlining a step-by-step guide to updating your LinkedIn Profile. We provide all the content and resources you need, including text for your about section, job descriptions, and more to make sure you show up in recruiter’s searches.

LinkedIn is a great resource for connecting with recruiters via job boards or messages! If networking isn’t your thing, you can still benefit by simply being part of the community.

Pricing & Payment Options

Q: Do you offer any discounts?

We occasionally offer seasonal and/or promotional discounts - to be the first to hear about them follow us on Instagram!

Q: Do you issue refunds?

All purchases are final. We want you to be happy with your resume and our process is very collaborative, with an open-door policy. We are flexible with working with you to ensure you are happy with the final product.

Q: How do I pay for the service?

We offer several convenient methods for payment. You can choose to pay for our services via Venmo or Zelle. Fees for our services are as listed on our website Service page. Full payment is due before the beginning of service.


Q: How will I communicate with Career Advantage Consulting?

You’ll communicate via phone and email throughout the process. After your package is complete, we'll schedule a call via Zoom to review the package.

Q: Do you specialize in multiple industries? 

We have exposure to many different industries and backgrounds from entry-level to mid-level professionals.

Industries we support:

Art, Accounting, Architecture, Healthcare, Construction, Business Management & Operations, Education, Finance, Public Administration, Marketing, Health & Wellness, Graphic Design, HR, IT, Law, Public Health & Safety, Engineering, Sales, Customer Success, Logistics & Supply Chain, Chemistry & Science, Engineering, Fashion, Culinary Arts, Hospitality, Insurance, Manufacturing, Media & Music, Pharmaceutical, Real Estate and many more! 


Q: What’s your success rate?

We have seen previous clients get traction in as early as 14 days, but there are many factors that play into the success of your resume. Consistency is key. In addition, your location, availability of openings and the types of roles you want to attract will determine how long it will take to start seeing traction.

We recommend being aggressive with your career search by applying to 15-20 positions per week, prioritizing applying on direct company websites, and targeting jobs posted within the last 24-72 hours.


We're available 24/7 via email at info@CareerAdvConsulting.com